Distant Worlds Universe Ship Design
One design you might like is a Planetary Assault ship as I call them. Planetary bombardement weapons + troops transport modules, so that you can either bombard the planet completely, partially to weaken the troops there and make and invasion or just invade right away.
Hello guys:)I'm copying this post from DW Reddit because I think that lots of new Distant Worlds players here on Steam would love to see this great tutorial about Ship Designing!.The interface for it is a bit clunky, but the entire design concept is pretty straight-forward once you know how to interpret the interface.Basically ship type designates purely how the game and automation treats your ship's role, and is completely independent of ship size. You can design Escorts that are bigger than Cruisers if you wanted to. It's somewhat counter-intuitive, so I thought I'd best mention it. Most civilian and support ships have a distinct role which requires the presence of certain components, but your combat ships have some overlap in role. Escorts are intended to escort civilian ships, Frigates to provide basic system patrols and fleet escort, Destroyers are basic combat ships, Carriers are self-explanatory, Cruisers are the heavy fleet ships and Capital Ships are basically flagships. Of special note is also the Resupply Ship, which is basically a mobile mining base intended to keep your fleets fueled on long missions in enemy territory.
Distant Worlds Universe Ship Design
Ship type, graphics and some basic behavior orders can be set in the top left of the design screen.The top center part shows the design warnings. This is typically notifications for lacking required components, creating designs with components not allowed for the chosen ship type and ships exceeding maximum size.
Maximum ship and base size is research-dependent. However, bases and certain ships (constructors, colony ships and possibly resupply ships) which can be built planet-side on one of your colonies get a bonus to maximum size.The basic criterium for ship design is power, and this is shown top right of the design screen. Reactors turn fuel (which is one of several possible mineable gases, depending on reactor type) into energy.All other components use that energy to function. A ship idling in space barely uses power (static energy usage), so it's useful to equip it with a solar panel (energy collection) so it doesn't burn fuel doing nothing. Ships have a fuel capacity and an energy supply.
Distant Worlds Universe
Microsoft sculpt keyboard not working windows 10 0. Once a ship runs out of fuel, it's adrift in space. If a ship's components (mostly weapons) require more power than the reactor's excess output (typically during combat), the energy supply will diminish. No more energy means reduced performance of energy-using components (mostly weapons) until supply once more exceeds demand.Below the energy section is the movement section. Basically: more engines is faster movement, heavier ship is slower movement. Hyperspeed is dependent solely on the installed hyperdrive. Range is dependent upon how long a ship can keep its hyperdrive powered and running, i.e.
The reactor and fuel storage. Of course, more advanced hyperdrives are faster and/or more energy efficient, so increase range a lot. Remember that ships will take the return voyage for refueling into account when actually moving, so effective range is always a lot lower than the value shown here.The industry section is pretty much just a summary of certain industry-related components.The Weapons section is a summary of installed offensive weapons, be it guns, advanced targeting units or ground troops. Of primary importance is the power requirement to keep firing continuously with all weapons, as this will be the main drain on the energy storage mentioned earlier.
Weapons all have pros and cons, and their own optimal range. A good mix of weapons never hurts, but you can combine specialized weapon loadouts with the behavior modifiers at the top left of the design screen to create for example long-range missile boats or close-in boarding swarmers.The defense section is similarly on overview of defensive capabilities. Of primary note is shielding (which does not require reactor power!!) and armor. Boarding defense is dependent upon the amount of hab modules.This is a basic overview of DW ship design, I hope it wasn't too confusing. Basically you need to find out what designs work best for your playstyle.Regards,Luiz.