Dog Clicker Training Information Sheet

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RecordkeepingRecordkeepingis probably the most overlooked tool in the average trainer's toolbox.It's also probably one of the most powerful tools you have at your disposal- perhaps even more powerful than the clicker! Records are objective.Keeping a record of your training will help you know exactly what you'vetrained and exactly how your dog is performing.Possible fieldsfor training records include:. Behaviorbeing trained.

Dog Clicker Training Information Sheet

How to how to train a dog using a clicker 🔥 Preheat your oven to 300°F. Spray a large rimmed baking sheet with non-stick cooking spray and set how to train a dog using a clicker aside. Add 1 cup of the oats to your food processor with the blade attachment. Process until the oats are ground into a how to train a dog using a clicker flour. Basic Dog Training To find out more about other Dogs Trust fact sheets, or to become a member, sponsor a dog or help us in our campaigns please visit or call us on 020 7837 0006. Charity Numbers: 227523 and SC037843 The kind, fair and effective way Training can be started at any age, the sooner the better.

Date. Session startand end times (or duration of session). Specificcriterion for the session.

Number ofresponses/Number of errors. Notes.This doesn'thave to be a time-intensive process. Although taking the time to recordyour data between sessions does take away from your training time, usingthe information to evaluate your last session and plan your next, enablesyou to make your training incredibly efficient. Ultimately, you willprogress faster because you won't waste time doing too many reps atone level or backing up because you progressed when you shouldn't have.The record sheetI use looks essentially like this table. #R/E. Date:Session date.

Criterion:The specific aspect you're training in this session. For example,½ second of eye contact. The criterion determines when you click.The ruleis simple: You click when you achieve the criteria. If your criterionis ½ second of eye contact, you click after ½ second of eye contact.If the criterion is 5 seconds of eye contact, you click after 5seconds.In addition to the session criterion, I, personally, make notesin the criterion field.

I might note an unexpected distraction,the session duration, or my observations about the rate of emittedbehavior. #R/E:Number of repetitions/Number of errors.Why countrepetitions and errors?

Dog Clicker Training Information Sheet Free

Comparing the ratio of repetitions to errorsgives you an objective way to determine the reliability of a behavior.When training a behavior, strive for 80% reliability at a criterionbefore making it harder.If you workin sets of either 5 or 10 reps, it's easy to tell when you've reached80% reliability. Use the following guide:. In a5 rep session, 4 out of 5 correct equals 80%. If you make 2 ormore errors, stay at the same criterion. In a10 rep session, 8 out of 10 correct equals 80%. If you make 3or more errors, stay at the same criterion.If you'd liketo use the record sheet I use, I saved one in rich-text format.Save it to your hard drive and make copies.List and SiteOwner: Melissa Alexander, mca @