Short Film Structure Secrets Pdf

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This essay is written on a short story by Bernard MacLaverty called “Secrets”. I will explore on the way the author conveyed loss and suffering as the main themes of the story. “Secrets” helped meto understand how easily life can change instantly: from possession to loss; happiness to suffering.The story “Secrets” is written in a form of a flashback and as it progresses, it introduces the reader to the story’s protagonists: Aunt Mary and ‘the boy’. At the beginning of the story, theauthor introduces the dying aunt Mary and her nephew she seems distant from. The author then creates a flashback that progressively explains the reason behind the boy’s and aunt’s cold relations.The reader also discovers how the central characters were not always on distant terms, but that they used to share a very close bond.

After aunt Mary dies, the boy remembers moments of childhood heshared with aunt Mary, how he betrayed her trust and how aunt Mary never forgave him. Throughout the plot of the tale, the reader is brought in to the themes of loss and suffering.In the beginning of the story, Bernard MacLaverty introduces the reader to the death of aunt Mary. In this the author partially reveals a portion of aunt Mary’s character. “ She lost all thedignity he knew her to have“ This description is provided by aunt Mary’s nephew. ‘She lost’ symbolises loss and ‘dignity’ suggests aunt Mary’s dignified, natural grace she had before her death.This means that during her death, she lost something very important to her as her nature. She was exposed to the public ‘at her worst’ which proves aunt Mary’s suffering and loss of dignity shetreasured. This arouses sympathy towards aunt Mary within me as I find it difficult to imagine the suffering she experiences after losing all she craved in life.

Aunt Mary is a very proud person bynature. Her propriety is her fulfilment. “Someone said about her teeth and his mother leaned over her and said ‘That’s the pet’” Aunt Mary found herself incapable of keeping her dignity on herdeathbed and she was sentences to receive help from her relatives. To somebody as content and proper as herself, it’s a torture to be uncover ‘at one’s worse’ publicly; this caused her suffering.To hear such words of sympathy as ‘pet’ that are normally addressed to a child caused loss in aunt Mary. This inspired pity within me because, as the reader, I could feel the torment aunt Mary wasexperiencing.After the death of aunt Mary, the author lets the reader into the ‘secrets’ of the story. He does that by creating a flashback that explains the relationship between the boy and his aunt. “ Shewould sit with him on her knee, her arms around him and holding the page flat with her hand” This recall lefts the reader shocked with contrast when compared to the cold relations the boy and hisaunt shared at the time of her death.

Short Film Structure Secrets Pdf Book

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Short Film Structure Secrets Pdf Online

This flashback is useful in conveying the themes of suffering and los as it uncovers the idea of how things used to be different in the past. Realising howthings in life can change from hopeful to hopeless in an instant, as they did eventually turn out for the aunt’s and her nephew‘s relationship, make me feel apologetic. Bernard MacLaverty’s use offlashback was well thought out as it uncovered the hidden ‘secrets’ in a diverse order from what they happened in. This captivates the reader into remaining engaged in the story. “The girl in thephotograph was young and had dark, dark hair scraped severely back and tired like a knotted rope on the top of her head - high arched eyebrows, her nose straight and thin, her mouth slightlysmiling, yet not smiling” This description of young aunt Mary, in contrast with her later appearance leaves a feeling of loss she must had felt at the loss of her beauty. It had been made clearthat aunt Mary’s dignity was something adopted by her very early in her life and it never left her.

This had been pronounced by how the author described her intriguing smile. I have sympathytowards aunt Mary as I can see the loss she felt everyday when observing her face aging in the mirror.Aunt Mary and her nephew had once shared a close connection. “The boy had noticed the ring when she had read to him as a child” The fact she had read to him as a child in the first place provestheir attachment. This is impressive as her nephew is the only person she had a close relationship with.

This shows that the boy was the one exception to her isolation. I think that aunt Marywanted to try to finally be able to lay her trust in somebody. However, a day came when boy’s childish curiosity took over and made him uncover aunt Mary’s private correspondence that was her‘secret’.

“ Anything else, yes! That section, No! “ Aunt Mary’s warning shows her commitment for the privacy she treasured. She was certain that a warning would be enough to discourage her nephewfrom revealing her ‘secret’. I regard aunt Mary for finally taking a chance at trusting somebody. However, she was soon let down as during her absence her nephew read the majority of her privatecorrespondence she exchanged with the man she loved.

This was the ‘secret’ she protected. The boy had been caught reading her letters soon after he heard his aunt approaching. “ ‘You are dirt’ shehissed, ’and always will be dirt.

I shall remember this till the day I die’ “ Aunt Mary had taken this situation very seriously as it was something very personal to her and her trust had been letdown as soon as it was given. Here aunt Mary faces loss of her privacy been taken away from her. She had promised to remember this until the day she dies and the fact she kept her promise showscommitment to her promises. Referring to a boy as ‘dirt’ suggests how despite the boy being only a small child, she does not have limits in accusing him of a crime of a lifetime. In my opinion,aunt Mary had approached her punishment and judgement too seriously because she forgot that she was dealing with a small child that should be forgiven.Aunt Mary was very moral and by obeying the old rules of propriety she lived by, she expected everyone else around her to be as dignified as she herself had been.

She was mistaken in assuming thata small child like her nephew would not be tempted into doing something forbidden. “ ‘You have been reading my letters’. The boy could say nothing.

She struck him across the side of the face.“ Thereader can see that the boy feels guilty and ashamed as he could say nothing. Aunt Mary slapping the boy across the face represents her anger and punishment.

I think that aunt Mary had overdone herpenalizing because a child can not be expected to obey a forbidden ban. In my opinion the boy does not get what he deserves because his reactions prove his pity and shame: he can not find words todefend himself. “ The boy, the side of his face stinging and red, put the keys on the table on his way out. “ Boy’s awkwardness suggests his shame; his defence was destroyed but he would not wantto defend himself in the first place because he well knew he was guilty.

I detect boy’s suffering because he had unemotionally caused aunt Mary suffering and pain. From then onwards, the boyconsidered his own fault and aunt Mary’s secret as his own.Bernard MacLaverty takes the reader back to the presence after the ‘secrets’ of the protagonists had been revealed. The boy had spoken with his mother after the passing of his aunt Mary’s personalthings.

“She took off the elastic band and put it to one side with the useful things and began dealing the envelopes into the fire. She opened one and read quickly through it, then threw it on topof the burning pile “ Boy’s mother had been burning aunt Mary’s correspondence to protect the privacy she protected during her life. However, ‘she read quickly through it’ means that even boy’smother wanted to peak into the big secret. The burning of the letters had a symbolic act, as if, along with aunt Mary, died her secret. Boy’s guilt never left him,therefore, in the end, he musthave hoped that at the hour of death, aunt Mary would forgive him.

Therefore, he was hoping his aunt would not keep her promise after all. “ Did aunt Mary say anything about me?

“ Here the readersees the suffering the boy have felt for all these years, and all because of something he did as a child. I feel sympathy towards the boy who came to carry this burden he gained so long ago,unintentionally.The short story “Secrets” by Bernard MacLaverty helped me to understand many things that before were strangers to me. Until, I read this story, I never would have thought that people like aunt Marystill exist. This is because her overwhelming commitment and living her life in the past seem very difficult to maintain for such a long time. Also, her never-get-over things style has impressed meas I myself would find it challenging to hold grudges for as long as she did. This story also got to me through its main themes of loss and suffering because these emotions did not only affect theprotagonists of the story, but also the reader. In my opinion, the events of the story are very humane and life taken as they expose the faults of human nature.

After reading this tale, I feel likebeing more careful with my actions towards the people I live with, as I never can be sure if an unintended action would not end in a grudge held argument of a lifetime.

For a writer, it’s exciting to hatch a new idea. Maybe you even have a rockstar logline. But it’s all too easy to take that idea and run, only to stumble at page 30 without a clue of where to go.

Don’t worry – this is avoidable. You just need a firm grasp on how to map out your idea.

With the right tools, you can see if your idea has the “legs” to deliver a feature-length film to the finish line. How do you do that?In today’s post, we’ll examine how, with Blake Snyder’s famous “Save the Cat” beat sheet template that revolutionized the industry. Get ready to chart out your idea over 15 unique beats to see if it holds up! The Ultimate Film Beat Sheet What is a beat?In film development terms, a “beat” refers to a single story event which transforms the character and story at a critical juncture.Think of beats as “checkpoints” along the way, that will complete the story and chart out a film structure.In his book screenwriter Blake Snyder boiled film plot structure down to fifteen beats.He also includes the suggested page number each beat should should occur on. We included those on our Save the Cat beat sheet template.You can even use a if you know your expected page count. This also comes in handy if you want to write a short film beat sheet.Story and character are two halves of the same coin.

Inevitably, your protagonist will attract characters and scenarios that will teach the valuable lesson of the story (i.e. THE ULTIMATE FILM BEAT SHEET 2. Theme Stated Page 5Film structure requires that the theme of the film is communicated by someone fairly early on. Commonly, this is dialogue spoken to the protagonist that he doesn’t quite grasp yet.In The Matrix, Neo moonlights as a creator of illegal software. One of his customers tells him that he looks like he “needs to unplug for awhile.”This very subtly suggests that Neo will learn to unplug from his computer simulated reality, and how to fight those who were keeping him there.

Set-up Pages 1-10 3. Set-up Pages 1-10Use your first ten pages wisely. Here, you’ll need to establish your story scope (and “look and feel”) for the audience.First, show your character in their “old world.” Let the audience know what the status quo is for them, then hint at the adventure that will follow.Second, establish all characters who will factor into your main story beats.

This may take some creativity.Sometimes, for story reasons, you will just have to hint at those characters.The setup is one of the most important sections of your script because it provides the essential context needed for the audience to become either immediately engaged, or lose interest within the first ten minutes. Obviously as a screenwriter, the former is required to start and sustain a career.In StudioBinder, you can write your screenplay right in the software or upload it from a previous format. Below, we'll upload The Matrix and see how the following scene was setup. THE ULTIMATE FILM BEAT SHEET 5. Debate Page 12-25This is where the protagonist has doubts about setting out on their perilous journey.

Short Film Structure Secrets Pdf Full

How does this beat manifest in The Matrix?After talking to Trinity, Neo finds himself hunted by sunglasses-wearing “suits” (the Agents). Thankfully, he’s on the phone with Morpheus - the leader of the rebellion Trinity represents.However, Neo’s not strong enough follow through on Morpheus’ orders to escape his office building.In this is called the 'refusal of the call,' which can be. THE ULTIMATE FILM BEAT SHEET 7. B Story Page 30The A story revolves around the choice your protagonist made as Act 1 breaks into Act 2.But another subplot ensues,. Blake Snyder suggests this at around Page 30, and that it illustrates the theme of your film.The Matrix does not conform to this succinctly (remember, the Save the Cat beat sheet template only gives you suggested page counts).The B Story is the blossoming romance between Neo and Trinity. It starts when they meet in the club, and blossoms once Neo has left the Matrix and is aboard the Nebuchadnezzar with Morpheus and his crew.Trinity gives Neo strength to believe that he’s their savior (AKA “The One”). Intermission: How to use the Save The Cat beat sheet templateBefore we finish off the steps of the Save the Cat beat sheet template, let’s go over some quick pointers on filling it out.First, know that you won’t hit the suggested page count perfectly.That’s why it’s 'suggested!’It’s there to guide your arc.If you know your page count will be longer than Blake Snyder’s set 110 pages, find to recalibrate.Finally, keep the story circle in mind as you chart out each beat.

Approach story and character as though they’re the same thing.If you get confused, write tandem beats where both character and plot are parallel, to better see why the beat needs to happen. THE ULTIMATE FILM BEAT SHEET 11. All Is Lost Page 75In film structure, the dire circumstances your protagonist endures will lead to an inevitable loss.This is usually a character, and classically the “mentor” (think Obi-Wan, Gandalf and Morpheus).Whatever the loss, it’s felt deeply because this item (or person) gave the protagonist their bearings.In The Matrix, this is where Morpheus is kidnapped, and the location of Zion - humanity’s last save haven - is compromised.Executing decisions like these might be challenging, but definitely necessary to create the best script. If you're writing with a team, or a partner, it might be even harder. Not everyone will agree, so it's a must to stay on the same page, along the way. Waiting to hear back from your team days or weeks later only prolongs the shooting process.

The software makes it easier to make changes quickly. THE ULTIMATE FILM BEAT SHEET 14. Finale Pages 85-110Treat the finale as the Act 3 summary. The Save the Cat beat sheet template is at its end, so it’s time for the protagonist to take on their foes.Armed with new tools and self-discoveries, the protagonist often synthesizes what they've learned (in Act 2) with values they've always had (Act 1).In The Matrix, Neo and Trinity put their training to the ultimate test to take on the Agents and liberate Morpheus.Eventually, Neo has to face the lead Agent by himself. He channels a feeling he always had, even when inside The Matrix.He “unplugs” from the Oracle’s logic and follows these feelings, which give him godlike powers in The Matrix.He’s indeed The One, and subdues The Agents. THE ULTIMATE FILM BEAT SHEET 15.

Final Image Page 110Along with the opening image, the final image creates the bookend that encapsulates the journey.It’s the last thing the audience sees, and should cement the theme of the film, as well as represent what happened and changed over the course of this journey.The Matrix, closes on Neo. We hear his voiceover talk about the next steps of liberating these humans stuck in The Matrix.Then he takes flight!

Being The One has endowed him with superhero qualities in The Matrix, which he will now put to use. THE ULTIMATE FILM BEAT SHEET Use a good 'Save the Cat' beat sheet exampleIt’s helpful to find a good beat sheet example before you get started on your Save the Cat beat sheet template.To find one, look no further than the Save the Cat website itself, which offers a trove of from movies you know.Thumb through this list and find films with genres and structures that most closely mirror your own idea.Seeing how another film nailed their plot structure can get you thinking about your own in a different way.Also check out this by John August, for his “Charlie’s Angels” screenplay. It employs a unique style which might be useful for your script.When you're wrapping up your script, there will come time for creating script sides for shoot day.

Up next How to Write a Treatment like a ProIt’s crucial to think about film structure after you hatch a new idea. But you also want to avoid over-analyzing the structure too. The Save the Cat beat sheet template is only a guide. The suggested page count for each beat doesn’t have to be exact. Every script is different, and structure should serve the change that your character makes during the events of the story.Once you “break” your story into these fifteen beats, consider writing a film treatment to flesh it out further.​ ​.