Fallout 3 Funny Mods

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  1. Fallout 3 Funny Mods Free

Is there a play as a Super Mutant mod with missions that change accordingly? It would be even better if you could start as a normal, get vatted and come out huge and green and ready to round up some other normals for processing. Lol!Get some dialogue writers with a little courage to help out with it. The goody two shoes SM’s would preach the virtues of transformation and evolution. The hard core SM’s would preach SM supremacy and round up the normals for experimentation, slavery, etc. They would carry heavy weapons, kick butt and be feared by the world.Remember how in Fallout 2, the anti mutant terrorist Jacob (the Chemist in broken hills) had dialogue responses that sounded like they were the Rainbow Patrol’s take on his beliefs?Don’t make that mistake with the dialogue.Jacob should have said much nastier things like “You actually like those monsters?” “They almost took over before. Why do you trust them now?” “You only look normal compared to a mutant.

No wonder you like them so much.”Other issues:Is there some specific reason that you don’t see exclusive groups of blacks or hispanics in the Fallout series? Did someone promise Black Isle and Bethesda that they would have very little bad publicity if they pushed a bunch of unrealistic kum bay yah style race mixing. You know, the kind that is so run of the mill on TV and in movies but is far less common and far less nice in real life? (If you live in a majority white area you probably don’t know how human non white people really are. You probably think of non whites as innocent angels who are victims of white racists.)In a hard edge video game that lack of realism is glarring and keeps a great chasm of distance between the game and plausible human to NPC interactions.The same reason that we can’t have a good ‘play as a Super Mutant plot line’, is the same reason we can’t have a good anti Mutant plot line; or a good racism vs.

Fallout 3 mod compilation (self.Fallout) submitted 2 years ago by Cheesy-potato. Does anyone know of a good fallout 3 mod pack with a bunch of mods in one pack i can just drop in my data folder. I've spent enough time doing compatibility runs with new vegas and i just wanna play some fallout.

Anti racism plot line. At least, not one where you could play as a Super Mutant or a racist and be serious about what you were doing. You could raze towns, convert people to your cause, give speeches, etc.For a game that claims to be an adult role play/horror masterpiece it sure tucks tail and runs when serious topics like racial supremacy, mutant vs. Normal supremacy and child exploitation vs. Child protection come into play. Including those plot lines where you can be evil without apology would have made the role play as well as the fable told by the Fallout series much harder hitting and vividly real.It probably would have cost the creators their jobs though.I do love the Fallout series but it could be so much better if all perspectives were given an honest expose. Good is good, evil is evil and in between is in between.

Fallout 3 Funny Mods Free


Nobody snivels at your feet just because you hate their beliefs. If you ask them questions sometimes they tell you things that you don’t want to hear. Just a quick note to thank you for posting this Fallout 3 mods list. I didn’t even know some of these (like the ride-able animals mod) existed. Re: Wastelandtime’s comments, if you stop and think about it for a moment it becomes clear that in Fallout 3 the nuclear holocaust pretty much destroyed the preexisting social order and made ethnic differences irrelevant.

Not to mention the fact that the existence of so many monsters including humanoid ones would increase the sense of “us versus them” (human beings versus monsters) and further decrease any residual ethnicity-based grudges.