C Unknown Type Name File
C Unknown Type Name File Free
The thing with the HAVE.H #defines is symptom rather than cause; see from the log. WARNING: could not find a working ncursesw/curses.h, ncursesw.h or ncurses.h. This seems to be an interesting collision of changed GCC default settings, CentOS's historic -ltinfo flakiness, and an AXWITHCURSES macro that until very recently didn't check for tinfo foibles (even though things like that are.
Hi Andrey Gorbachev,thanks for posting here. error: unknown type name 'IUnknown'For this case, you could try to add this statement to use forward declaration in you code. #define CINTERFACEHere is a similar case for you as a reference.Or you could to Microsoft and post this issue on it.Hope this could be help of you.Best Regards,Baron BiMSDN Community SupportPlease remember to click 'Mark as Answer' the responses that resolved your issue, and to click 'Unmark as Answer' if not. This can be beneficial to other community members reading this thread. If you have any compliments or complaints toMSDN Support, feel free to contact.
I downloaded the source code and wanted to compile the file of scanner. It produces this error: meepo@localhost cs143-pp1$ gcc -o lex.yy.o lex.yy.c -llIn file included from scanner.l:15:0:scanner.h:59:5: error: unknown type name ‘bool’In file included from scanner.l:16:0:utility.h:64:38: error: unknown type name ‘bool’utility.h:74:1: error: unknown type name ‘bool’In file included from scanner.l:17:0:errors.h:16:18: fatal error: string: No such file or directorycompilation terminated.And I tried to use different complier to compile it, but it appeared different errors. meepo@localhost cs143-pp1$ g -o scan lex.yy.c -ll/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -llcollect2: ld returned 1 exit statusMy os is 3.0-ARCH, I don't know why this happened. How do I fix the error? Somewhere in your code there is a line #include. This by itself tells you that the program is written in C. So using g is better than gcc.For the missing library: you should look around in the file system if you can find a file called libl.so.
Use the locate command, try /usr/lib, /usr/local/lib, /opt/flex/lib, or use the brute-force find / grep /libl.Once you have found the file, you have to add the directory to the compiler command line, for example: g -o scan lex.yy.c -L/opt/flex/lib -ll.
Unknown Type Bool
C言語初心者ですが、本を参考にWAVファイルの速度を変えるプログラムを書きました。 しかし、何度やっても wavspeed.c:80:28: error: unknown type name ‘FILE’ extern long wavHeaderWrite(FILE.fp, SpParam. sp); と出てしまいます。 対処法はなにかないでしょうか。 <プログラム>. Apr 30, 2016 Re: Unknown type name in.c file user1377889 Apr 30, 2016 2:47 AM ( in response to user302397898 ) I usually #include into every.h or.c file which gives me access to all cypress-defined variables, components and macros.