All Doki Doki Literature Club Endings

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Don't read this until you've finished the game and had the true literature club experience! This is a guide for players who are looking to see everything they missed the first time. Contains spoilers and won't help first time players.Other DDLC Guides:.IntroductionSo, hopefully you've had the Literature Club experience by this point. You haven't seen everything until the end credits roll, so make sure you've gotten that far before reading this. If not, turn back now-this guide won't be of much interest to you. It won't help you and won't make much sense.

This ending will happen if the player didn't save-scum to spend time with all of the girls during Act 1. It's normally the first ending players go through while playing Doki Doki Literature Club! Jan 04, 2018  How to get the good ending in Doki Doki Literature Club. Before you can get the good ending in Doki Doki Literature club, you must first have a clean, non-broken save file. This may sound scary if you haven’t played through the game already, but trust us, it’s all part of the DDLC experience.


All Doki Doki Literature Club Endings

Contains spoilers, of course.Are we ready for this?This is a guide to finding little things that you may have missed. To see all the dialogue, a special ending, and other events of interest. It also explains a little bit of how things work, but won't be very specific on most details so you can experience them for yourself.It covers every major secret that exists inside the game, but may have a few minor omissions.

It doesn't tell you how to get all of the CGs, what to do when you have choices to make, or how to progress through the game.Secret MessagesThroughout parts of the game, there will be little files created in the game folder that you can open and look at. These get deleted later on, so it's a good idea to keep the game folder open if you want to see them.

The first of these is an image file created on the morning of the festival. After that, there will be some text files created, with messages presumably from Monika.You may remember a scene where you see an error message on the screen that an exception has occurred. It actually creates a real error report file in the game folder which will contain a bit of dialogue, also from Monika.The character files and some other messages are codes containing interesting things when deciphered, but if you want to learn more about that, you can visit this discussion on Reddit.Sharing Poems, Arc 1I won't cover how to play the poem minigame here, but based on the words you pick, each girl will either love your poem, hate it, or think it's just okay, and there are a number of variations based on their evaluations. This is how to see all of them.NatsukiDay 2 (3 variations).

She has a different opinion about all three types of poems.Day 3 (7 variations). If she hated both of your poems, she becomes angry and refuses to share hers. If she hates just this one, she will act disappointed in you. If your poem is okay, she will compare it to your previous one, with three separate dialogues. If she loved both of your poems, she becomes embarrassed, and eventually wants to keep it.

If she only loved this one, she will tell you how she had low expectations for you before.Day 4 (7 variations). If she hated both of your previous poems, she won't talk to you or share her poem no matter what you write. Otherwise, if you write a bad poem, she has two different dialogues based on whether she hated one of your previous poems or not. If your poem is okay, she compares it to yesterday's. If yesterday's was also okay, she says that, otherwise she just says she doesn't hate it. If she loved all three of her poems, you get her dialogue leading up to her special poem for you.

If you've never written one that she loved up to this point (unless she hated both), she has dialogue expressing her surprise.YuriDay 2 (2 variations). If she loves your poem, she'll tell you. Otherwise, she just has a hard time deciding what to say. In both cases she gives you the same writing advice.Day 3 (6 variations). If she hated both of your poems, she asks if you're mad at her and won't show you her poem. If she just hated this one, she asks about whether you are influenced by Natsuki and Sayori.

If your poem is okay, she will either compare it to yesterday as an improvement, or tell you it's pretty good. If she loves your poem, she has two sets of dialogue that are almost identical except for one line about how she feels appreciated.Day 4 (6 variations). If she hated your last two poems she won't talk to you no matter what. If she just hated one of your previous poems and hates this one, she'll get upset and won't show you her poem. If this is your first time giving her a poem that she hates, she remarks about how you decided to try something different.

Doki Doki Literature Club! Is a unique visual novel game by Team Salvato.

All Doki Doki Literature Club Endings

The Literature Club is full of cute girls. Will you write the way into their heart? Every day is full of chit-chat and fun activities with all of my adorable and unique club members. Sayori is the youthful bundle of sunshine who values happiness the most. Natsuki is the deceivingly cute girl who packs an assertive punch. Yuri is the timid and mysterious one who finds comfort in the world of books.


All Doki Doki Literature Club Endings Guide

Monika is the leader of the club.It’s very exciting for you to make friends with everyone and help the Literature Club become a more intimate place for all members. If you get stuck in the game or you would like to know all the endings, check out the video walkthrough and gameplay for the game.